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پیوست: پرسشنامه
با احترام و آرزوی توفیق الهی برای شما همکار گرامی ، پرسشنامه حاضر به منظور جمع آوری اطلاعات مورد نیاز جهت تکمیل پایان نامه با عنوان" بررسی تاثیر ویژگی های تجاری اینترنت براعتماد مشتریان در شهرستان آران و بیدگل” می باشد.
AbstractToday, with the increasing development of global e-commerce businesses are trying to build, using e-commerce, interact with customers and gain their competitive advantage. Customer trust in an online environment, the most important aspect is to provide information services. Other important factors in customer trust are as follows: information quality, response time and reliability. The research study is applied. Applied research is seeking to achieve an objective, scientific, and its emphasis on ensuring the prosperity and welfare of the masses and the desirability of the activity (Delavar, 1373: p. 25).
In this study, the descriptive research method was used. Depending on the type of information required in this study, a variety of tools including a review of available documents (of the library), and field studies, using a questionnaire was used to collect data. A questionnaire was used to evaluate performance. The study, involving 170 customers use the web sometimes formed. In this study, the sample size, based on Cochran formula, a sample size of 118 randomly selected. The questionnaire was distributed among them Grdyd.nskhh 19 To analyze the data, descriptive and inferential statistics, using the software package is used. Due to the distance - a number of variables, and on the other hand, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test - Asmrynf (Table 3-2), analytical research for tests, parametric tests were used. The primary and secondary research hypotheses, Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used. To evaluate the average quality of Web services, a t-test sample, and the ranking of the Friedman rank test was used. Researcher to test the other side, to evaluate the effect of different aspects of quality of website services, based on the trust of customers, according to the normality of the variables (Table 3-2), a linear regression model is used.
Keywords: e-commerce, customer confidence, quality services electronically.
Islamic Azad University , Naragh Branch
International Management
Thesis for receiving «M.A» degree
Major :
Bussiness Management
survey of Comparative study of the quality of work life on customer relationship management in the Government and private banks in Kashan city .