" دانلود متن کامل پایان نامه ارشد | قسمت 29 – 1 "
- . Hinrich & Hofman ↑
- . Hirsch & Clark ↑
- . Spurr & Stopa ↑
- . Hakman ↑
- . negative Self-biased ↑
- . Allden & Walls ↑
- . Norton & Hope ↑
- . Rapee & Lim ↑
- . Stopa & Clark ↑
- . Baldwin & Main ↑
- . Hofmann, Moscovitch, Kim & Taylor ↑
- . Rappe & Hayman ↑
- . Harvey, clark, Ehlers & Rapee ↑
- . Kim, Lundh & Harvey ↑
- . Barber & Derueis ↑
- . Cognitive schemas ↑
- . Evans & Hollon ↑
- . Holon, Evanz & Deirabbes ↑
- . Visman ↑
- . Rejection ↑
- . Lucock & Salkovskis ↑
- . Leary, Kualescy & Campel ↑
- . Trower & Gilbert ↑
- . Butler ↑
- . Cullington, Munby, Amies & Gelder ↑
- . Heimberg & Juster ↑
- . Stopa ↑
- . Beidel ↑
- . Beck ↑
- . retional-emotive therapy ↑
- . cognitive therapy ↑
- ۴٫ Subjectivism ↑
- . selective attention ↑
- . magnification ↑
- . optiontive education ↑
- . Waitcer ↑
- . rational-emotive theory ↑
- . humanstic-phenomenal ↑
- . activity ↑
- . belief ↑
- . consequence ↑
- . Systematic desensitization ↑
- . Counter conditioning ↑
- . Reciprocal inhibition ↑
- . Conditione inhibition ↑
- . Vicarious auistion ↑
- . Informat aquistion ↑
- . Mackintash ↑
- . Rescorla ↑
- . Miller ↑
- . Peterlang ↑
- . fear. reduction ↑
- . interpretive ↑
- . Psychodynamic ↑
- . distress ↑
- . Karel Popper ↑
- . Granbaum ↑
- . Paul ↑
- . wilson ↑
- . Goldferid ↑
- . Valitzory ↑
- . Mathews ↑
- . observation ↑
- . muscle relaxation ↑
- . extinguished ↑
- . Walker ↑
- ۳٫ Jakobson ↑
- . Biofeedback ↑
- . central nervous system ↑
- . autonomic nervous system ↑
- . caroliovascular system ↑
- . pavel & anright ↑
- . Hyper rentilation ↑
- . lump in throat ↑
- . Self. assertiveness training ↑
- . Social interaction ↑
- . Deacon & Abramowitz ↑
- . Hudson ↑
- . Ringle ↑
- . Nadeau ↑
- . Calleo ↑
- . Norton & Price ↑
- . McGuire ↑
- . Kuroda ↑
- . exposure behavioral ↑
- . task domestic ↑
- . structure diagnositic interview ↑
- . guide ↑
- . coincide control ↑
- . Gieset ↑
- . continuity ↑
- . modification ↑
- . domineerive ↑
- . Kietzman ↑
- . Pawell & Enright ↑
- . Hertman ↑
- . Foa ↑
- . Al-Ali ↑
- . aggressiveness ↑
- . Ahmed & Westra ↑
- . Fensterhaim ↑
- . Ross,& Van Koesreld ↑
- . Turner ↑
- . Emmelkamp ↑
- . Hoyer ↑
- . Cognitive-behavior therapy ↑
- . Hettiarachi ↑
- . Mortberg ↑
- . communal treatment ↑
- . individual treatment ↑
- . David ↑
- . Gaudiano ↑
- . self-efficiency ↑
- . Anderson & Ziman ↑
- . Pinele & Mineka ↑
- . attention focus ↑
- . Slicker ↑
- . Keshdan & Roberts ↑
- . Rheingold, Herbert & Gadiano ↑
- . Kahn ↑
- . Dennis ↑
- . Ballard ↑
- . Neal & Edelman ↑
- . Chambless & Gillism ↑
- . pharmacological treatments ↑
- . placebo ↑
- . Deborah ↑
- . Van Dam. Beggen & Karaaimaat ↑
- . Wehr & Kafman ↑
- . waitcer ↑
- . pretest ↑
- . post-test ↑
- . negative and positive fear evoluation ↑
- . random multi-stage sampling ↑
- . discovering factors analysis ↑
- . play therapy ↑
- . family therapy ↑
- . Connor, K. M ↑
- . One way Kolmogorov. Smirnov ↑
- . Ferguson & Takane ↑
- . Levene`s Test of equality of error variance ↑